ABC's Flashcards

Ready to learn your ABC's?

A fruit that starts with the letter A?

A toy that starts with the letter B?

An animal that starts with the letter C?

An animal that starts with the letter D?

A planet we live on that starts with the letter E?

A body part that we walk with that starts with the letter F?

An animal that starts with the letter G?

A place we live in that starts with the letter H?

A cold cube that melts that starts with the letter I?

Something we eat with peanut butter that starts with the letter J?

Something we fly high in the sky with a string that starts with the letter K?

An animal that starts with the letter L?

Something we look at when we want to know where we are that starts with the letter M?

A job at the hospital that starts with the letter N?

A fruit that starts with the letter O?

Someone that has a ship and sails the sea that start with the letter P?

A royalty that rules the castle that start with the letter Q?

An animal that starts with the letter R?

Something that shines in the sky at night that starts with the letter S?

Something we find in the park that gives us fruits that starts with letter T?

Something we use when it rains that starts with letter U?

Something that erupts hot lava that starts with the letter V?

Something that the spider makes that starts with the letter W?

A device we go through in the hospital to check our body that starts with the letter X?

Something we eat at breakfast that starts with the letter Y?

An animal that starts with the letter Z?