Create Time: 2015-09-09 at 9:10 pm
User ID: Johnny
Hi I asked DK12 to bump my son down to kindergarten level.He is advanced in some areas and way behind in others.Alot of the pre K stuff is what he knows.Do yall not have just a Kindergarten level thats not Pre-School? If not Id like to put him back to first grade level.If he cant keep up with some of the things I will report that in his daily log.He has a very hard time with numbers since his old school(public) did not teach my son in Special Needs class to count past 20.I am very pleased with all the activities and ments for my children.Its a blessing to all of us and my children are very eager each day to start class.Are 100% turn around from having to practically drag them out of bed.Then get them out to the bus while they were crying and upset not wanting to go last year.We are very excited with the level changes that were announced that are coming up.I appreciate all you do for us parents who have chosen the Home Schhol option.Thanks for being on our side and the non-common core curriculum.
Sherina D.
Course or Assignment: I would like to change sons grade level