Review Essay


Ben hur


blood of the competitors warmed with the work. Men and beasts seemed to know alike that the final crisis was near, bringing the time for the winner to assert himself. The interest which from the beginning had centred chiefly in the struggle between the Roman and the Jew, with an intense and general sympathy for the latter, was fast changing to anxiety on his account. On all the benches the spectators bent forward motionless, except as their faces turned following the contestants. Iderim quitted combing his beard, and Esther forgot her fears. "A hundred sestertii on the Jew!" cried Sanballat to the Romans under the consul's awning. There was no reply. "A talent--or five talents, or ten; choose ye!" He shook his tablets at them defiantly. "I will take thy sestertii," answered a Roman youth, preparing to write.