Below are standard courses and homeschool curriculum for Second Grade.
PDF Download: Second Grade Homeschool Curriculum
Reading/Literature 2
- Daily reading of classic literature from our library or yours
- Log and track your progress
Language Arts 2
- Long “e” and common long vowel letter combinations
- Prefixes and suffixes
- Commonly confused words that sound the same (their, there, they’re)
- Collective nouns
- Irregular plural nouns
- Adverbs and adjectives
- Apostrophes and contractions
- Formatting a letter
- Produce compound and complete sentences
- Paragraph structure
- Opinion essays
- Narrative essays
- Creative writing
- Digital presentations
- Review and edit work to improve writing
- Research: Improve writing using research, dictionary, and thesaurus
- Spelling and vocabulary
Math 2
- Addition and subtraction word problems
- Place value for multi-digit arithmetic
- Addition of two and three digit numbers with carrying
- Subtraction of two and three digit numbers with borrowing
- Working with U.S. money coins and bills
- Measurements of length
- Geometric shapes and fractions of shapes
History/Social Studies 2
- Things that happen long ago verses today
- Basic world geography, people, and places
- Government institutions and practices
- Economic concepts
- Economic reasoning
- Individual action and character through historic figures
- U.S. states and capitols
Science 2
- Motion of objects
- Life cycles of plants and animals
- Materials the Earth is made of and human resources
- Conservation
- How things work
- Investigations and experiments
Visual and Performing Arts 2
- Dance, music, art
- Drawing
- Hands on crafts and art
- Museum tours
Physical Education 2
- Calisthenics
- Build stamina and flexibility
- Stretching and calisthenic techniques
- History of calisthenic
- Record and track your progress