Startup Course: Week 12

Financial Management for Startups


Watch this video to learn about how to spend money wisely when running a start-up.

Expenses & Costs- Crash Course Entrepreneurship 

Project Description:

Start-Up Budgeting Game. To practice budgeting and making wise financial decisions for your start-up in a fun and interactive way.

Materials Needed:

  • Pen and paper or digital note-taking device
  • Dice or a random number generator app


  1. Start with a hypothetical budget of $10,000 for your mock-up start-up.
  2. Create a list of start-up expenses, each with a different cost (e.g., product development, marketing, website hosting).
  3. Assign each expense a number and write them on separate pieces of paper or digital notes.
  4. Roll the dice or use the random number generator to determine which expense you’ll be budgeting for.
  5. Allocate a portion of your budget to that expense based on the cost and your priorities.
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each expense until you’ve allocated your entire budget.
  7. Reflect on the decisions you made and how they impact your start-up’s financial health and growth.